Rebooting Ellipsix

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Ironically enough, the title of this post does not refer to the rebooting of a computer, but rebooting in the sense of a film series — in the same sense, Ellipsix is getting a fresh start. As it says in the announcements (look up), I'm in the process of moving the Ellipsix website to a new web host, Slicehost, and the domain to a new registrar, Dynadot. The website and everything associated with it has turned into a complicated conglomeration that is impossible to maintain on a shared hosting plan. It really needs its own server, and this gives me an opportunity to start from scratch and set up the site properly.

To that end, the move to Slicehost will introduce a brand new codebase: this site will be completely rewritten in Python, my new favorite programming language, using mod_python to interface with Apache. Well, almost completely; the Java web apps will remain in Java. But the switch to Python means that more than ever before, it'll be possible to share elements of the display between the different parts of the site. In keeping with this theme, I'll also be switching from my in-house custom-written PHP templating system to the cross-language Clearsilver.

If all goes well (which it never really does, but I can hope), I'll be able to pull out a new shiiiiny site theme at about the same time the switch goes off. But if not, one will be coming not too long afterward; this is definitely going to be an extended process, and I fully intend to continue writing about all the cool tech I'm discovering through the process.