New look :-)

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Regular visitors (yeah right, as if I have any) may have noticed that I've updated the site with a new, or at least pseudo-new theme. This grew out of an effort to procrastinate doing real work: I was bored with both the physics problems I was supposed to be working on and the endless Python coding and sysadmin-type-stuff that this web server is needing to become truly production-ready, whatever that means. (Warning: the rest of this is quite possibly boring, I'm mostly writing to test out the new features and so that I can remember what I did)

So I pulled up Inkscape and the GIMP and went to work creating new images. Most notably, I've gotten rid of that ugly blue/green aura that used to surround the blog posts and replaced it with a clean blue and gold border with pure white on the inside. And in order to make that contrast with the page background, I've got a papery texture created with the GIMP's airbrush tool (that, by the way, was all too easy).

Also, in the way of changes to the CSS, some of the blog post details have been reduced to a smaller font size and moved over to the right side. I've also condensed the layout of the announcements section. This actually works really well with the nifty Javascript slider I'm using in that section (which I promise to write up as a tutorial at some point).

I welcome feedback on the new look; you should be able to register and leave a comment on this post, or if that doesn't work, send an email to (Please digitally sign messages if possible, it'll help get you through the spam filters)