The physymb package

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Just a quick post to announce my first interesting news of 2011: the physymb package for LaTeX, currently available from CTAN. This is a collection of commands that I’ve been accumulating over the past 5 years or so. It includes things like derivatives, unit vectors, commutators, elementary particles, and a bunch of other assorted macros that might be useful when you’re trying to typeset a physics paper. Dirac notation, scientific notation, and units are in there as well, though I’ve already found out that those are obsoleted by the braket and siunitx packages, so I’ll be removing those things in the next version.

Still, the macros in physymb have been quite useful to me, so if you do a lot of physics-related typing, have a look at them! Naturally, I will be happy to receive any feedback, including suggestions of useful things to add.