Computing field lines

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Problem 12.9 in the infamous Jackson Classical Electrodynamics asks you to find (or prove) that magnetic field lines of the Earth are described by the equation

$$r = r_0 \sin^2\theta$$

Your starting point is the equation for the magnetic field of a dipole,

$$\vec{B} = -\frac{3(\vec{M}\cdot\unitr)\unitr - \vec{M}}{r^3}$$

Sure, you can look at a vector plot of the field, and join the arrows to make lines. This is the kind of thing they have us do in introductory E&M classes. But how do you do it mathematically? There are two ways that I know of:

  1. Define some scalar function \(f(\vec{r})\) whose gradient is everywhere perpendicular to the magnetic field, by the condition \(\vec{B}\cdot\grad f = 0\), and use that condition to solve for \(\grad f\). This is useful because the level curves of a function (lines of constant \(f\)) are perpendicular to the gradient. So once you find what the gradient is, you can integrate it to find \(f(\vec{r})\), and get the level curves from that.
  2. Or, just use the traditional “rise over run” definition of slope. Imagine a spherical polar coordinate grid (because the problem is looking for an answer in polar coordinates, and because spherical coordinates match the symmetry of the problem). The “slope” of a field line in spherical coordinates is \(\frac{\udc r}{r\udc\theta}\). And the “slope” of the magnetic field vector at the corresponding point is \(\frac{\unitr\cdot B(\vec{r})}{\unittheta\cdot B(\vec{r})}\). So set those two equal to each other, and solve for \(r(\theta)\).