Science Online Together 2014

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Good news, everyone! Well, good news for me at least: I’ve been granted a spot at the 2014 Science Online Together conference!

Science Online Together 2014 logo

Science Online is an organization that, well, like the name suggests, supports people who promote and develop scientific content on the internet. They manage the Science Seeker blog aggregator and hold several annual conferences to bring together people involved in science online in all capacities. The flagship conference is always held near the beginning of the year in Raleigh, NC, and this time I get to go!

This is good news for you too, though. When I’m not busy conferencing I’ll be uploading blog posts and tweeting, so that everyone else can share the experience as much as possible. Stay tuned for that as the conference is running, February 27 to March 1. For now, if you’re interested in such things, conference news (and griping about the cost) is flowing under the #scio14 tag on Twitter.