Celebrating arXiv Fool's Day 2022!
Posted by David Zaslavsky on — CommentsAcademia, sometimes you amaze me. This year produced a record-breaking fourteen new entries to my list of April 1 arXiv joke papers, which I’ve been “diligently compiling” for several years (and “definitely not” just reading and repeating from Twitter and Stack Exchange).

As usual, astro-ph carries the pack, accounting for twelve of the papers (though several are also cross-listed in other categories). Exoplanets continue to be a hot area of research, both on the experimental side, with a flurry of new exop(lan)et detections, and on the theoretical side, with a startlingly precise prediction of when exoplanets will be discoverable inside our own solar system. The latter paper smartly raises some concern about runaway growth in the exoplanet discovery rate and proposes the solution of sending astronomers to the exoplanets for further study. Fortunately, science has covered the need for parking lots. Cosmology is also well represented, with an inspired new measurement of the Hubble constant and a proposal for the nature of warm dark matter.
Of course, more terrestrial matters are also well represented. I think we’ve all been waiting for the definitive answer to whether a hot dog is a sandwich. And there’s an extremely enlightening triple case study of peer review that presents some surprising revelations about the motivations of the authors and reviewer.
I was also quite pleased to see a couple papers that I’m convinced are at least 20% legitimate, despite all claims to the contrary. This proposal for dark mode journals comes highly recommended as bedtime reading, and there’s also an attempt to improve upon the much-maligned h-index. I also have to give an honorable mention to “Undecidable problems in quantum field theory” which actually makes a legitimate physical argument but nevertheless ends with the following story:
One day, while preparing the table for the supper, he told his wife that he finally finished an article for April Fools’ day, to which his wife exclaimed: “We can work only half as usual, because one of us needs to take care of the kids while the other is working, and then you were using that precious time to write an article for April Fools’ day?!?“
To top it all off, for the first time we have peer review of the April Fool’s Day papers, courtesy of Astrobites!
If you like these, go check out the the whole list! And as usual, please let me know of any papers I’ve missed.