1. 2010

    Bad science on The Daily Show

    Normally I love The Daily Show. (Especially in HD) But Jon Stewart's interview with Marilynne Robinson last night really fell short of the usual standard. And not just because she wasn't funny. At 2:52 in:

    The more you delve into science, the more it appears to rely on faith.

    You know, when they start to speak about the universe, they say, well, it's actually, "Most of the universe is antimatter." "Oh really? Where's that?" "Well, you can't see it." "Well, where is it?" "It's there." "Can you measure it?" "We're working on it..."

    The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
    Marilynne Robinson
    Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

    No. Sorry. That's not science. For one thing, nobody with a clue really thinks most of the universe is antimatter. But the more important point is that observation is the core of science. If you can't see something, can't measure it, can't even produce any observable evidence that it exists, you can't pass it off as scientific fact.

    I have to wonder where Jon Stewart is getting this idea that scientists are relying on faith, claiming that things are true without having the …