1. 2011

    Guess the author: a (drinking+physics)/sqrt(2) game

    Big news out of the CTEQ school tonight: we discovered that the various Twitter feeds which announce new arXiv papers only show you the title of the paper, not the author — not until you click on the link, anyway. So here’s a neat way to have fun at parties: someone who has a smartphone (or tablet) with a Twitter app brings up one of the aforementioned feeds, like HEPExperPapers, picks a paper title, and everyone tries to guess who the authors are, or at least which research group or institution is behind it. Anything with \(\sqrt{s} = \unit{7}{\tera\electronvolt}\) doesn’t count. Converting this into a drinking game is easy, you just drink every time you get it wrong. (i.e. every time) Or every time you get it right. (i.e. never) Or just have a beer in hand. I’m sure that’s within the error bars.

    Oh, and for the record: one of the people behind this brilliant idea happens to be the chair of a major university’s physics department.

  2. 2011

    CTEQ summer school day 1

    How many physicists does it take to go through a buffet line?

    For some reason, this is one of the defining questions of my first day at the CTEQ summer school. (The answer, by the way, is “all of them.”) Nothing brings scientists together quite like coffee and donuts, except perhaps figuring out exactly where the end of the coffee-and-donut line is.

    I won’t be posting daily updates or anything, but I figured this whole “sharing experiences” thing is just what normal people do with blogs, so why not try it? I arrived in Madison on Sunday, which shall henceforth be referred to as “yesterday,” and the first thing I noticed was how fancy the housing accommodations are. Granted, they’re probably putting us in the nicest building on campus, but seriously, no other college I’ve been to has anything like this: a 24-hour front desk, in-building dining, lounges on every floor, bathrooms with walled and curtained shower stalls, individual rooms with a mini-fridge and TV (equipped with expanded basic cable), daily housekeeping service… okay, to be fair the students never get most of that. But still, it’s remarkable how much the housing accommodations feel like a …

  3. 2011

    i can haz publication kthxbye

    Hooray, the first public draft of the paper I’ve been working on is out on the arXiv today! Technically that doesn’t mean it’s published — this is just a preprint, but from what I hear this project has been generating a bit of buzz so I figure chances are good it’ll be showing up in JHEP before long.

  4. 2010

    The most complicated simple way to count paper

    In an introductory TA meeting today we had to split up a large pile of survey consent forms for the students to fill out later these week — 24 to each section, for 4 sections per TA, that’s 96 sheets of paper. Well, who wants to count out 96 sheets of paper? So my friend had the good idea of optimizing the procedure by weighing 12 sheets and calculating the mass we’d need to fill out the required 96. OK, but of course we needed to properly arrange the papers on the scale so they weren’t partially being held up by the attached cables, and then, being physicists, we’re no good at mental math ;-) suffice it to say we were pretty nearly the last ones out.

    And that was a lousy story. Oh well, guess you had to be there…