1. 2009

    Survey wtf?

    How’s this for a survey question:

    Please indicate the degree to which you agree or disagree with each of the following statements on a scale from (1) strongly disagree ro (9) strongly agree.


    I have a pet.

    1 - Strongly Disagree23456789 - Strongly Agree

    Do I strongly not have a pet, or only halfheartedly not have a pet? Does that mean I halfheartedly do have a pet?

    I’m putting 5. Schrödinger’s cat.

  2. 2009

    Why I am a nerd

    Observe, if you will, the following incident that took place between me and one of my friends at a wedding reception this weekend:

    He shows me a text message he’s sending,

    Actually, I == teh drunk.

    Wedding reception

    Me: “I see you didn’t forget the double equals”

    Him: “Yeah, all my text messages compile properly”

    Me: “Although, I guess in this case using a single equals would be a quick shortcut to getting drunk…”

    Him: [rofl] “How are you not an alcoholic with a mind like that?”

  3. 2009

    Love your editor?

    This from the PGF manual:

    Do not feel afraid of a 5-line caption. (Your editor may hate you for this. Consider hating them back.)

    Someday I’m going to write an entire paper in a caption.

  4. 2009

    No parents on Facebook?

    I just wonder what happens when all the kids who have joined "no parents on Facebook" groups become parents themselves? Are they going to voluntarily drop off the face of Facebook?

    Probably not... can't wait to catch them on it, though. ROFL

  5. 2008


    Armageddon, the movie. This is exactly Independence Day, except instead of aliens in giant spaceships there are rocks, in... bigger rocks. Also, cross-bred with Lord of the Rings, because Arwen is in it. Not Liv Tyler — Arwen, because I can only hope Liv Tyler is capable of something more than standing stoically while everybody else panics about impending doom. I have never seen a more useless character.
